Monday, July 6, 2020

It's Movie Monday and our next BINGO number.

The Prized Peony is a beautiful suite.
The Suite Peony Garden can be found on page 82 of the Annual Catalog.
Item # 154129 - $97.50
everything listed below can be purchased for the $97.50 listed for the suite or can be purchased separately

Product List 

And now let's talk BINGO,  BINGO,  BINGO and BINGO is our game.

How's it going everybody? Are those cards getting filled out? 
And I know I promised everybody a card today, but let me tell you about last night....or better yet, let me put Wiley on the keyboard.

Hi Everybody
It's me Wiley the Wonder Dog M.D. OH MY GOSH....How terrible was last night? I am all for  celebrating our independence but I really have to ask this simple question. Aren't fireworks illegal in Colorado? I thought I would be safe coming here to live with mom and dad but it's quite obvious, they lied to me when they told me how safe it would be at their house. It sounded like a war zone out there and there was no place I could go in my house that was safe. I would hide under the bed and there would be great big explosions that would rattle the house, so I would run and hide under mom's table. again, the house shook and the entire sky lit up like it was on fire. Some people would think it was beautiful all that fire shooting through the sky, I thought "What the Heck." and I might have said something else, but I'm a nice boy and we don't say bad words, especially that one. Well the entire evening was like that, it started at 6:00 p.m. and lasted until 1:00 a..m. And you know what else was bad? I had to go potty. Finally, mom and dad put a leash on me and we went out the front door so I could pee. You know how most boy dogs lift their legs? Well I do that except last night I just sort of squatted so I could have all 4 feet on the grounds in case I had to make a mad dash back into the house, Finally Dad got in bed and I cuddled up to him and he held me tight until the fireworks finally quieted down. He is a brave man and I guess I am happy he is my dad. He said when he bought me home, the noise wasn't as bad as it was last night and that is true. Well everybody it's 6:30 p.m. and I've heard my first explosion so I'll talk to you all another day,
Love you lots and please stay in.....not only is there a stinking virus out there, there are more fireworks and in my world, they are more dangerous.

Love you lots
Wiley the Wonder Dog M.D.
P.S. mom doesn't have a picture of my hiding under the bed because the dust bunnies were hogging the camera lens.  Here is a really cute picture of a happier moment. It's me rolling in enhanced dirt, 

Blessings everybody

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