Hi Everybody
I think I goofed on the class schedule.
Here are the dates for August.
Sunday, August 9th 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, August 15th, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sunday, August 16th, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
I'm so sorry that I have to change the dates....and remember to bring your Bonus Day Coupons so you will get your $5.00 discount on your purchase.
And what is our lucky Bingo Number today????
Drum roll please.........
Hi Everybody
It's me Wiley the Wonder Dog M.D. I bet you're all thinking I've given up on the vaccine for the Covid-19 virus.....Well just in case you were worried, I have some of my top doctor friends working on it. And they are telling me that because of all the research I've done, they're pretty sure we'll have a vaccine very soon. And you know how we always use Guinea Pigs for testing....well I'm not hurting those little guys. I'm going straight for the humans. Sort of like I'm by passing the middle man or pig in this case.
And as you all know, the air condition is still not working, but we're gonna get it fixed on Friday. Chandler the HVAC person from Cooper Heating and Cooling is gonna come and fix it for us. He is a really nice man. I didn't even think about biting him when he came over the other day to see what was up with that crazy thing.
Yesterday morning, mom and I went for a walk and you know what happened? This silly little dog who lives up the road from me came running out after me. I was so afraid. His dad told mom that he wouldn't hurt me, but how do I know that? Can''t people be more responsible? And then about an hour later, there was that little dog sitting under the bush watching my little birds. It was like he wanted to live with me because he probably didn't like his dad either. Especially if his dad wouldn't even protect him by keeping him on a leash. What is wrong with these people is what I want to know.
Well I better get going, mom wants to show you the card she made a while ago. But she's been busy and her brain isn't in the creative mood, so she hopes this will be okay
Love you all and please stay safe.
Love and Blessings
Wiley the Wonder Dog M.D.
Hi Everybody
Wiley is right, I did create this card some time ago, I used the Forever Fern Suite....Even used Shaded Spruce Card Stock which I don't usually do.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Have a good day and Love to You All
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