Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wiley's World Wednesday


Hi everybody, it's me Wiley the Wonder Dog M.D. 
Do you see this raging river? Well I'm getting really brave and jumping across it. The other day, I even got my paws a little wet and I wasn't afraid. When mom, dad and I walked at Sand Creek the other day we were so sad because of the fire there. I just don't know what the baby bunnies are gonna do. They need that grass to hide and eat, but oh no, some crazy person burned it. Probably by accident, but come on people, we have got to be careful. I know I showed you this picture the other day, but it doesn't hurt to show it again.

Because if we are not careful, this is what can happen to places like my mom's beautiful Sand Creek.

And this is only one of the pictures that mom took. It's so sad. 
But guess what else is happening in my world. I've been studying fires and I think I'm gonna become a Fireman. So my new title will be Wiley the Wonder Dog M.D. Fireman. I can't wait to get my fireman's hat, but wait, mom is telling me I have to wear a really heavy and hot jackets, and  I have to be able to carry 100 plus pounds. And stairs, they have to run up flights and flights of stairs. I can barely get up one step to get in the house from the back yard. And you know what else? They have to slide down this pole to get to the fire truck. Maybe I'll re-think this whole fireman occupation. I'll get back to you....but mostly, I think they are really brave men and women and I hope they know how much I appreciate all they do for me. Cause you want to know something, that picture showing where the fire was, that was my favorite peeing spot. And who wants to pee on smelly burned grass, not me. 
I love having my very own blogging day. I get to tell you so many interesting facts about life and mom can't stop me, you see she's watching the Rockies Baseball game and doesn't know what I'm doing. 

Also, if some of you are having problems sleeping because of the heat, I find it's cooler under the bed. You might want to give that a try and let me know how it's working for you. I do get in bed around 2 or 3 in the morning after the room has cooled off a little bit. Makes for a much better night of sleep.

Well it's getting that time.....I gotta go get cool.
Please know I love you all and have a great day
Wiley the Wonder Dog M.D. (maybe future fireman)

1 comment:

  1. Wiley you are so wise! Hope your special day yesterday was as special as you. My sister's dog Connar went to the rainbow bridge yesterday on National Dog Day. Feeling sad for her, please send her some special doggie kisses.
