Happy Sunday Everybody.
My simple little words for today....
When you can't see the sunshine and it seems lost forever.....be the sunshine.
Oh my goodness. One minute I was listening how to enhance my blog and the next minute....birds everywhere. They were everywhere. Back yard, front yard, on the side. And they were being really active and a little crazy if I do say so myself. I'm working on uploading a video, but that is a little challenging for me but I'm not giving up.

This next picture is Ric sitting outside on one of our chairs. I thought the flowers in that area were really pretty and wanted to get this picture.
Cute huh!
And last but not least, how about a picture of the baby.
Wiley the Wonder Dog M.D. I love this picture of the baby. We were on our way to the Vet's for his yearly checkup. It was a while ago, but still so dog gone cute huh!
Have a very blessed Sunday everybody and remember....
Jesus loves you and so do Wiley and I
Have a blessed Sunday!!